
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2019 angezeigt.

VIII.The last post

My opinion to "Dead Poets Society" Hey guys, this is gonna be the last post to "Dead Poets Society"😭. In this blog I'll describe you how it was to write this blog about the book and whether I've liked the book or not. Enjoy it! My opinion I've liked the book very much, because it's so similar to the film, but also has some parts which aren't in the film. This parts express very well in writing some scenes in the film where a picture to see is important to imagine what's going on in a character. The american slung made the story interesting to see how americans in your age speak. The message of the film I've liked extremely, because it shows the reader how it is to be ruled by his father and be a "rebel" in a conservative society. It also give us an another perspective on the life: the poetic view. How was it o write this blog? Because of the new words and the different kind of the american language I've learn...

VII.What does the story want to tell us?

What does the story want to tell us? Hallo gentlefolks😉(here, a big "Hello" to my former history teacher, Mr. J.👋), such a philosophic film/book like "Dead Poets Society" of course want to flag something up. So the question is what does "Dead Poets Society" want to tell us? In this blog I share my opinion with you , which theme DPS has. I would say that the main theme of the story is the suicide as a consequence of the conflict between the conservative and traditional society and the new thinking against the system . The first scene of the book shows the reader in which society the story plays. The four pillars "Tradition", "Honor", "Discipline" and "Excellence" are the foundation and these are obviously conservative. But Mr. Keating doesn't go with the tide🐟. He tries to teach in a different kind of way. He is a bit like a rebel in the society. That's why his students get a different view on the soc...

VI.Has Mr. Keating reached what he wanted?

Has Mr. Keating reached what he wanted?  Hey guys👋, today we'll discuss if Mr. Keating reached what he want. Enjoy and have fun❗ The way Mr. Keating taught his students and tried to give them love to poetry absolutely changed them. The students understood how poetry works and how they could see their lifes in different  points of views. He changed the timid Todd Anderson into a confident person, who isn't afraid to speek in front of other persons. Moreover he opened the eyes of Neil Perry to questioned his handling by his father. On the other side, exactly this toggle in Neil's mind ended in a terrible suicide. And in no case, Mr. Keating wanted to reach this. But I think Mr. Keatings idea to break the old traditions and try something against the system worked excellent. That was my interpretation of this topic. Maybe you have other opinions, then write them down in the comments. See ya❕

V.Is Mr. Keating to blame for Neil's suicide?

Who is to blame for Neil's suicide? Hello readers👀! Oh my gosh, it happened a terrible thing in the story: Neil is dead! He shot himself!😭 So how could happens something so terrible? Mr. Nolan, the school's haedmaster, thinks Mr. Keating is to blame. But Todd Anderson and the other Dead Poets think that Neil killed himself is a result of the repression from his father. So in this blog I'm going to discuss who bear the blame. So why Neil killed himself at all? I've already write something about this in my characterization: Neil always wanted to do creative stuff, but his father wanted a son with a high carrier. That's why Neil's father thought he could dictates Neil's life. And Neil tolerate this because of respect and fear of his father. When Mr. Keating comes on the school he shows the students what real poetry and creativity is. So Neil's love to Acting only became stronger, but he saw in Mr. Keating a person, who rebel against the system. Tha...


Summary: Chapter 7 Hey gentlefolks😄 , how are we doing today? This blog will give you a short summary of one of the chapters in the DPS. It will be about chapter 7. I've chosen this chapter, because there is the beginning of the Dead Poets Society. What happens before? In the chapter before (chapter 6), Mr. McAllister criticises Mr. Keating for his strange class methods. Also Neil finds out something about Mr. Keating and asks Mr. Keating about the Dead Poets Society. Moreover the boys plans to do a meeting of the Dead Poets Society, but Todd don't want to read. What happens in Chapter 7? At the begin Neil is in his room and reads the book, which he has got from Mr. Keating. In the book are poets of the Dead Poets Society. At the night the boys group make their first Dead Poets Society meeting. They go in the forest to the cave. There Neil opens and reads the main message of the DPS. Then the boys read very much poets. The poets are funny and make them happy. Th...

IV.Neil Perry: Who is it?

Characterization of Neil Perry Neil Perry as Puc k Hey guys, this blog is about Neil Perry. I'll give you an explanation of his character. I hope you'll enjoy this and figure a bit more out of Neil.😃 Neil Perry is an approximately 16-year-old schoolboy, which goes on the boarding school Welton Academy . There he is very famous and have a lots of friends in a boy group. His father is a very severe person and he gets often problems with his father, because of his interests. He wants to do creative jobs like actor, but Mr. Perry wants to have a son, who studies on high universities jobs like doctors. Neil is a tall good-looking boy. He is thin and has a bony and squared face. His eyes are bright and brown and his hairs are dark-brown. He has also a very sonorous voice. Neil is a likely and cheerful person, which is considerate and sensitive. To the others he is open-minded and honest. He is also very ambitious. But when he meets his father he becomes narrow-minded, ...

III.Sayings and their philosophys

My favorite Motto Hello guys ✌, in this blog it will be about my favourite motto. Because in the book there is also a big motto, which invented Mr. Keating: Carpe Diem Its origin comes from the Latin and means Seize the Day. So I asked to me, what is your favourite mo tto? And I think the motto, which I liked as much is: Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.                                    ~Buddha I like that motto so much, because it helps to go forward in your own life. If something bad happens you shouldn't stuck in the past. You have to live here and now in this time! Besides I sometimes don't follow this motto (my classmates will know it😅) in some situations it helps me to forget what's happened. Generally I think the quotes of Buddha are very philosophic and tell often the truth. So, that was my favourite saying and I'm sure you ha...
I. The Four Pillars   Hello❗ Let's get started with the first blog about the book . And how should I start in a different way, than present you the first chapter of the book. How you can see in the title, it's named "The Four Pillars". In this chapter it's going about the four pillars of Welton Academy, what they are and which meaning they have for the Academy. Moreover, the four pillars show us what for a school the Welton Academy is. What are the Four pillars? Tradition  love of school, country and family Honor diginity and the fullfillment of duty Discipline respect for parents, teachers and headmaster Excellence result of hard work key to all success  The four pillars are very important for the Welton Academy. You can see it on the assembly of school years's beginning, where four students hold banners with the inscriptions "Tradition", "Hon...