V.Is Mr. Keating to blame for Neil's suicide?

Who is to blame for Neil's suicide?

Hello readers👀! Oh my gosh, it happened a terrible thing in the story: Neil is dead! He shot himself!😭 So how could happens something so terrible? Mr. Nolan, the school's haedmaster, thinks Mr. Keating is to blame. But Todd Anderson and the other Dead Poets think that Neil killed himself is a result of the repression from his father. So in this blog I'm going to discuss who bear the blame.

So why Neil killed himself at all? I've already write something about this in my characterization: Neil always wanted to do creative stuff, but his father wanted a son with a high carrier. That's why Neil's father thought he could dictates Neil's life. And Neil tolerate this because of respect and fear of his father. When Mr. Keating comes on the school he shows the students what real poetry and creativity is. So Neil's love to Acting only became stronger, but he saw in Mr. Keating a person, who rebel against the system. That made Neil to rebel against his father, which took him at home and forbidden Acting. And that's why Neil didn't want to live anymore. So I think Mr. Keating is not to blame a bit for Neil's suicide, because he only wanted to make the students have fun with poetry. The biggest fault lies with Mr. Perry. He dominates Neil and destroys his life and his dreams. That made Neil sad and depressive.

I know, it was a difficult topic, but I think it's a very important topic. I hope you enjoyed it and maybe you can write your opinion in the comments.✏


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